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时间:2024-08-10 来源:铿鸟百科网 收集整理:小编 阅读:
导读:as near as a toucher的中文意思【铿鸟百科网-英语百科频道】精选as near as a toucher是什么意思、英语单词推荐 几乎不差, 接近得很

as near as a toucher的中文意思

【铿鸟百科网-英语百科频道】精选as near as a toucher是什么意思、英语单词推荐

几乎不差, 接近得很

as near as a toucher是什么意思_as near as a toucher的中文意思_用法


as near as a toucher 几乎不差, 接近得很

as near as a toucher是什么意思_as near as a toucher的中文意思_用法

a near escape n.九死一生

a near thing 九死一生,侥幸逃脱

a near miss 侥幸脱险,险些相撞

on a near day 在近日内

a near go 九死一生,侥幸逃脱

a near touch 九死一生,侥幸逃脱

near as a touch 几乎, 差点儿

near the foot of a mountain 在山脚下附近

as near as 接近,将近,险些;几乎,差不多


toucher n. 触摸者;千钧一发

near ad.1.近,在近处2.关系接近地;亲近地3.近似地,相近地;【口】差不多,几乎4.【罕】过度节俭地;吝啬地5.【海】靠近风向a.1.近的,靠近的,接近的2.关系接近

near by adj. 附近

near sighted adj. 近视的

near feasibility 近可行性

near field 拟域

infinitely near 【计】 无穷近的, 无限近的

near drowning 溺水

near term 近期的

near record 接近创记录
