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时间:2024-08-11 来源:铿鸟百科网 收集整理:小编 阅读:
导读:as clear as the sun at noonday的中文意思【铿鸟百科网-英语百科频道】精选as clear as the sun at noonday是什么意思、英语单词推荐

as clear as the sun at noonday的中文意思

【铿鸟百科网-英语百科频道】精选as clear as the sun at noonday是什么意思、英语单词推荐


as clear as the sun at noonday是什么意思_中文意思


as clear as the sun at noonday 一清二楚

as clear as the sun at noonday是什么意思_中文意思

as plain as the sun at noonday 清清楚楚, 显而易见

at noonday 在中午

the sun 太阳

with the sun adv.朝着顺时针方向

in the sun adv.在阳光下,无忧无虑

It is clear that ... 很明显,显而易见

it is clear that 很清楚/明确...

in clear adv.用普通文字

clear to vt.对...是清楚的


noonday n. 正午a. 正午的

sun n.1.[sing]太阳; 日2.[sing,U]太阳的光和热; 日光; 阳光3.[C]星体; (尤指)恒星v.[T]1.晒太阳

Sun 【缩写】=Sunday美国太阳公司

clear adj.1. 晴朗的,清澈的,明亮的,明净的2. 纯色的,颜色均一的,<美>纯的,不掺杂的,未冲淡的3. 清晰的,清楚的,易懂的,明白的,不含糊的,(听诊时)无杂音的4. 安详的,宁

CLEAR =Closed Loop Evaluation and Reporting 闭回路鉴定与报告

sun. (=Sunday)星期日

bo'sun n. 水手长

Sun. (=Sunday)星期日

sun baked a. 日晒的

sun curing 晒干
