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laboratory dyeing machine是什么意思_laboratory dyeing machine的中文意思_用法

laboratory dyeing machine是什么意思_laboratory dyeing machine的中文意思_用法

时间:2024-09-03 来源:铿鸟百科网 收集整理:小编 阅读:
导读:as soon as possible shipment的中文翻译及音标【铿鸟百科网-英语百科频道】精选as soon as possible shipment是什么意思、英语单词推荐

as soon as possible shipment的中文翻译及音标

【铿鸟百科网-英语百科频道】精选as soon as possible shipment是什么意思、英语单词推荐

【经】 立即(迅速)装船

as soon as possible shipment是什么意思_as soon as possible shipment的中文翻译及音标_用法


as soon as possible shipment 【经】 立即(迅速)装船

as soon as possible shipment是什么意思_as soon as possible shipment的中文翻译及音标_用法

shipment as soon as possible 尽快装船

soon as possible 尽快

as soon as possible 尽快,尽可能快地

carry out reconstruction as soon as possible 尽快进行重建工作

day of shipment price 装运日价格

delay shipment 延期装运

delayed shipment 延期装运

groupage shipment 集装运货

installment shipment credit 分期装运信用状系规定货物分为数批并按照规定数量、金额及期间装运的信用状。其中若有任一期未在该期所允许的期间内装运,则除另有规定外,信用状对该期及其后各期均中止使用。另有规定者例如特别规定任何一期的


shipment n.1.[U]运输,运送,装运2.[C]运输的货物

re shipment 进口物再出口

part shipment n.分批装运

soon ad.1.不久2.早;快3.宁可,宁愿4.【废】立即,马上

possible a. 可能的;潜在的;合理的n.[C] 可能适合的(人或事)

soon to expire (文件,协议等)快期满的

Pm symb 〈化〉钷 (promethium)

PM abbr.1. (= Phase Modulation) 相位调制2. (= particulate matter) 颗粒物3. (= Past Master) 能手;老手;(公会、行会

pm n.1.下午,午后abbr.1.St. Pierre&Mequielon 圣皮埃尔和密克隆群岛

helpmate n. 助手,伴侣,配偶
